About Me



Started painting at 7 years old, me and my older brother was fighting over the crayons or the little watercolor set we use to have (we used to exchange as we couldn’t have our own).

I remember so many little drawing and water-cooler paintings we submitted to our school teacher who was very encoring us to make more ((He used to say)).

As a child I have a very strong passion to stay out on the fields, I was taken by the mystery of different seasons changing colors, shapes and smells.

Being a Jordanian I was deeply inspired with the Romans, Niobates and Greek old theaters and remarkable buildings, engraving, designs and details. My study at Morocco highly affected my vision and dream of the old city’s architecture, culture and traditions, 1980’s a new chapter of my courier started in Al Ain which introduced me to the magical desert and make me dream of the caravans traveling on the desert and the Bedouin who historically inhabited the desert regions in the Arabian Peninsula.

My hobbies of desert driving, camping, diving and horse riding opened my eyes and heart to another dimension of our existence on this world.